We nursed them two hemorrhoids and smoked a coupla cigarettes without sayin’ another word for a good long while. Then I looked up and seen them two burlap bags hanging above the workbench, and a little burst of light went off in my head. Coulda been a blood vessel burstin’ thanks to the bean hooch, but it done manifest itself as a keen idea.
“Hey; Why don’t we give somethin’ back tonight. We’ve been askin’ and takin’ a lot, but what do we ever give?”
“We give a lotta hell.”
“True that.” And we toasted. “But I was talkin’ about givin’ them boys some music instead of just expectin’ them to do the same. You heard them in Pueblo; Gawdamn rock ‘n roll but kinda all over the place. Maybe a little tutelage from old men who know what’s what could help tighten that sound a bit a provide some…some…mentorship I think’s the word I’m lookin’ for.”
“Tutelage. Tutelage. Tutelage. Sounds like you’re gonna fart in their faces. Naw, you’re right. Let’s put some tunes in one of them bags and see what they think.”
We put together a pretty well-informed compendium of Colorado rock ‘n roll. I’m not talkin’ the fuckin’ Samples or shit like that. Some Warlock Pinchers, Foreskin-500, Denver Joe, Slim Cessna, Baldo Fucking Rex, some Reejers, Space Team Electra, fuckin’ Bright Channel, some Apples In Stereo, Six Months To Live, and 16 Horsepower’s first EP that got Shametown on there. Maybe some ‘57 Lesbian too, but I can’t honestly remember after what all went down that night. Important thing was that these boys, provided they were still kickin’, had a chance of takin’ their pound of flesh and becoming a touchstone in our great state’s history of rock ‘n roll. Important that they knew the gawdam canon. Gotta know the canon. Which reminded me, we oughta bring the cannon out tonight. I had gotten me another one of them burstin’ blood vessel kinda ideas.