It was pretty middle-of-the-day meanin’ there were folks out in the cemetery, visitin’, and I felt a bit outta place just walkin’ through there given my current appearance. But nobody really paid me much attention as I wove my way out to where we’d been, tryin’ to mentally itemize all the shit that we’d probably just up and left given the circumstances. Given appearances, given circumstances; Lotta given for two sentences.
It weren’t so bad. The cannon was laying splayed, blown to shit. I’d have to unscrew that barrel and replace it with the other one, only shoot D-cells out of it from now on. And no methanol.
Both mason jars were still there next to the two lawn chairs. Half empty liter of pinto shine. Two small glass bowls and two lighters. I could fold them chairs up and get back to the truck in one trip. Didn’t see no burlap bag anywhere though. Wasn’t sure what that meant until I seen them footprints out there. Three sets. People who got no shoes on. All originatin’ and departin’ from where that bag had been layin’. I followed them out into the field, and they all just stopped about fifty yards in. Still no bag in sight, so I sure hoped they had taken it to wherever they went.
So maybe them coyotes were skinwalkers and maybe that’s why Uncle Dave nearly died. All I can say is that I always keep the .243 in the truck now, and anytime I see a coyote I fuckin’ shoot at it. Never got one, but it gives me peace of mind, and reason to get that ‘ol lever action Savage out and squeeze off a few rounds. And them fuckers have slowly learned to give me space, as I ain’t seen another one for about six weeks. I think we got ourselves a de facto peace deal goin’ on, so long as we kinda cool it with the crazy shit, or just do it somewhere else.
I threw everything in the back of the truck, headed to the clinic to let Uncle Dave know that all signs pointed to them boys gettin’ a hold of that bag and disappearin’ with it. That cheered him up. As did them pharmas. Phoah. He was good and glazed when I headed out. This seemed like a good time for the both of us just lay low for a bit.